Adelaide and Cadence adore each other. I feel so lucky to have girls who, at least for now, can’t get enough of each other. The biggest headache they cause me is Adelaide trying to do too much with her baby sister (ie pick her up or roll her across the room). I’m sure this will change as they get older, but for now I’m trying to enjoy the fact that they both love being around each other.
This last weekend, during our Sunday morning tv time, Adelaide decided to get out her foam blocks. She decided to do this by throwing their bag up the air and watching the blocks fall all around her. Cadence was on the floor playing with her toys and witnessed this block-ejection and thought it was just the funniest thing ever! I quickly grabbed the camera and asked Adelaide to repeat her explosion.
This is the first time Cadence has ever laughed AT something. Up until now, she’s laughed when tickled or bounced, but never of her own volition and without being physically stimulated. I LOOOOVE that she was laughing t her sister…it brought tears to my eyes to hear her laughing at her big sister’s shenanigans. I hope we have a lifetime of this kind of thing!
Please enjoy!
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