Happy Monday! Did you survive the candy coma over the weekend? I enjoyed this little quote from Cool Mom Picks. I knew there was a “Reese’n” I became a mom! (ha!)
If you have little ones like I do, then you didn’t actually get an extra hour of sleep, but instead enjoyed a day of looking at the clock and asking yourself, “Is it really only __ o’clock??”. Ugh…please tell me daylight savings time changes will get easier…
Well, how about another rendition of MOMMY PANEL MONDAY to perk up your day?!
What products were game-changers
during baby’s first year?
Beaverton, OR

San Jose, CA

San Francisco, CA

Kenmore, WA

Littleton, CO

Portland, OR

Highlands Ranch, CO

Tacoma, WA

Beaverton, OR

Portland, OR

Littleton, CO

Boston, MA

I love hearing about all of these experiences!
I have two must-have products to add to this list. When Adelaide was a baby, my life-changing product was the velcro swaddle wraps. She looooooved being swaddled and those things stayed put SO MUCH BETTER than any blanket I bought. Cadence haaaaaated being swaddled (by-the-way, if you have a baby who hates the burrito swaddle, please please please check out www.7swaddles.com and learn about other swaddling methods!! If I had known about the hands up swaddle back then, Cadence, my little thumb sucker, probably would have slept A LOT better!).
Since Cadence hated my beautiful swaddle wraps, my must-have for her first year was a baby carrier. I had a Baby Bjorn when she was an infant (I don’t recommend it) and an Ergo Baby Carrier once she hit three months. I guess that’s just the way it goes with a second child—she was pretty much ALWAYS on me. Always.
Now it’s your turn—I want to know! What’s your must-have item from baby’s first year?
I'd love to hear what you think!