Our little Adelaide isn’t so little anymore…SHE’S FOUR!!!
We had a whirlwind of a birthday week! Apparently this is how we celebrate Adelaide’s birthday…with week-long celebrations… This kid is going to get a rude awakening when someone explains that birthdays actually only last for ONE day…. haha!
In past years, we’ve done big parties for Adelaide (well mostly they’ve been for us, but Adelaide is the reason for the party). And big parties involve a lot of planning, money and people. Since we haven’t made a lot of friends here in San Jose, we decided to forgo the big traditional party and use the money instead to fly Adelaide to Portland to spend the day with her best friend, Emerson.
Emerson’s birthday is May 28th (Adelaide’s is May 30th) so Adelaide and I flew to Portland the morning of the 28th. We didn’t tell Adelaide anything until that morning and when we finally told her, she was so excited! In the eight months since we moved, Adelaide has asked about playing with Emerson AT LEAST once a week, and I cannot express in words how much joy it brought Matt and I to be able to make that wish of hers come true.
Emerson’s birthday party was Tuesday evening and Adelaide had a ton of fun meeting and playing with all of Emerson’s friends. After some ice cream and presents, the girls had the option of having their first sleepover…which Adelaide declined, choosing instead to share the hide-a-bed with me. <3
The next day was a “girls day”! We took Emerson and Adelaide to Sit Still, a specialty kids salon in West Linn, where they got a manicure, pedicure and special hair styling! Glittery pink and purple nail polish AND sparkles in their hair!?? What’s not to love?!
After the salon, we grabbed lunch from Bridge City Cafe, and then Adelaide and I were back at the airport that afternoon, making sure to grab a couple pounds of my favorite Stumptown coffee beans on our way out of town. It was a whirlwind trip, but both Adelaide and I had so much fun being back in our favorite city with our favorite friends.
- At the airport, checking out our plane.
- Mt. Shasta from the plane!
- Stumptown beans at New Seasons Market
- Coffee and Peonies
- Emerson’s birthday balloons
- Playing with Emerson’s toys
- “Beautiful” grey Portland skies
- Getting their nails done
- Toes!
- Pretty pink nails!
- Toes done!
- Time for fancy hair!
- Emerson got her hair cut too!
- A “crown” of braids
- Checking out her new do
- Sparkles!
- Lunch!
- It’s hard when going on vacation feels more like going home, than going home.
- Photo by Nicole Hart Photography
- Photo by Nicole Hart Photography
Three days later we were still celebrating Adelaide’s birthday!
On Saturday, we had a small family party for Adelaide. Grandma and Grandpa Bauer drove down from Sacramento to join us in celebrating our four year old. Our good friend Alan came over there too It was a very low-key, laid-back afternoon—which was perfect, because Adelaide was super grumpy when she woke up from her nap…the presents from Grandma and Grandpa helped to turn her frown upside down though, and some backyard pool time solidified her good mood.
The party finished up with dinner and cake! Adelaide picked out a cake from her Princess Cupcakes and More book, so I did my best to recreate it. She’s been wearing her tiara ever since we took it off the cake!
- Grumpy girl
- Snuggles with Grandma
- Opening presents
I curled her hair for her special day
- Cadence got to help unwrap the big one
- Doll bed!
- Mommy and Cadence
I remember when Adelaide wore that dress…
- Pool time!
- Snacking
- Sprinkler too!
- Taking a break
- The cake!
- Daddy lighting the candles
- So excited!
- Wearing her crown.
- Our four year old!
We all enjoyed such a wonderful birthday week with Adelaide. Thank you to EVERYONE who thought of her, sent her birthday wishes, gifts, cards and more. She felt so very loved this week!
Ahh I love that expressive face!
Still a doll.