Wow, I have seriously been neglecting my blog! Sorry all 🙁
Life has been busy—I always say that, and I wish I had a better excuse, but it’s just true! Fortunately, when life gets busy, I don’t stop taking pictures and capturing moments of my little ones’ lives, I just don’t have time to sit down at the computer and put a post together on the topic.
This is where Instagram comes in. If you have a smartphone, you can follow me on Instagram @hlbauer. So when my blog has been way too silent to much too long, you’ll be able to see what we’re up to.
In the interest of catching up, and documenting things here on my blog, I wanted to re-publish the horrific/comedic event from two weeks ago, Adelaide cutting her own hair.
I sent Adelaide off to go to the bathroom by herself, and then, when she didn’t come back in a normal amount of time, I went looking for her…I found her in our bathroom with scissors and 20% less hair. 🙁 #haircuttomorrow #itsonlyhair #rightofpassage
Daddy did his best to fix her hair that night, and in all honesty, he did a really good job. The next morning, though, we decided we should just take her to a salon and chop it all off.
This is the morning after her self-given hair cut.
Getting her new style!
Adelaide’s new hair 🙂
At first, I wasn’t thrilled with the new haircut. Well, let’s be honest, the entire situation just pissed me off. She’s always had such beautiful hair! And then she went and chopped it all off 🙁
She told me that she cut it because she couldn’t see, which just makes me feel awful. Yes, her hair was often getting in her face, but I was constantly, CONSTANTLY, putting a clip in to pull it back out of her face. She’s just at that age where she’s moving so much that her hair is always falling out of whatever style I put it in. *sigh*
After a day or two of the new cut, I got used to it, and now I find her just as adorable as ever.
This is who she reminds me of when her hair is in pig-tails. LOL!!
So there you have it. The story of Adelaide cutting her own hair. Definitely one of those experiences I will never forget!
I'd love to hear what you think!