I seem to have found a parenting paradox. I want to give my children the best childhood possible, but I also want them to be grateful for all that they have. How do you instill humility and gratitude in your children when they have everything they need, and more?
One activity in which I insist my kids participate, is writing thank you notes.
This is certainly more difficult when your kids aren’t writing yet, but I’m holding on to the hope that by making this an expectation and a habit, they will absorb some small understanding of the importance of showing gratitude.
Cadence isn’t writing sentences yet, but she is writing her name. So after I wrote out the brief thank you notes, she signed her name, and placed the cards in envelopes.
The act of writing thank you notes can be tedious, but we had these bright, and happy cards to keep us smiling!
They match the invitations we picked out, which is the perfect way to wrap-up a colorful rainbow party!
So what activities, or things, do you do to instill humility and gratitude in your children? I’d love to hear your tips!!
I'd love to hear what you think!