In honor of Valentine’s Day, my amazing panel of mommies is talking about LOVE!
We’re told that nothing is stronger than a mother’s love, and while I totally believe that to be true, the timing and strength of that love is unique to each mama. So I want to know…
Was it love at first sight?
Or did your love for your little one grow over time?
Beaverton, OR

Portland, OR

Boston, MA

San Jose, CA

Tacoma, WA

Littleton, CO

Highlands Ranch, CO

Now it’s my turn! I didn’t fall in love with Adelaide, my first baby, until about four weeks after she was born.
I blame it on several factors—she was two weeks early (I wasn’t ready!), and I had an unexpected C-section (I did NOT prepare for that type of healing) and most of all, I didn’t have any idea what to expect from a newborn (are you sensing a theme?).
Right after she was born, I remember feeling wonder, amazement, fiercely protective and responsible for this new little life. But love?
I dealt with some baby blues for a few weeks (but not full blown post-partum depression), and maybe that had something to do with it…post-partum hormones are such a roller coaster!! Luckily, though, as the weeks wore on, and I got to know this tiny new person in my life, one day I just felt it. A warm glow from deep in my soul. I held my sweet babby and whispered, “I love you,” and for the first time, really, truly meant it.
With my second baby, it was love at first sight. I didn’t think much about her during my pregnancy—taking care of a toddler will have that effect! But from the minute my labor started I was ridiculously excited to meet our new little girl. I’ll always remember the moment I pulled her up onto my chest and she looked up at me with those big eyes…that was it, I was in love!
These ladies are amazing!! I absolutely love their willingness to put themselves out there and share their experiences.
What about you? I’d love to know when you fell in love with your little one. Leave a comment and let me know!
send me a message on Facebook and I’ll add you to the group!
I'd love to hear what you think!