Saturday, February 18th was Adelaide’s last night in her crib. The very next morning, after breakfast, Matt started assembly on her new bed. Just after lunch it was finished and ready for the big reveal!
I wish her enthusiasm translated to an easy and smooth transition to the new bed, but alas, IT DID NOT.
She attempted her first nap in the new bed that afternoon and I think she got out of bed 2668409309821 times before I gave up and put her back in her crib, where she screamed until she finally passed out. Ugh, MISERABLE! That night wasn’t any better. She got out of bed five times…FIVE TIMES! The frequency was only part of the terribleness—each time she got out of bed she would silently walk into our room, make her way over to the side of the bed and then start crying as loud as she could. Let me tell you, it’s a special kind of awful, being startled awake by a screaming child 18 inches from your head.
After that terrible night I relented and put up the baby gate in her doorway during her nap the next day. I also started forming a plan of bribery and prizes to get this kid to SLEEP IN HER BED! ahhhhhhhhh!
My plan consisted of toys and books as prizes awarded for entire naps and entire nights of staying in bed. There were smaller prizes (books) for naps and bigger prizes (finger paints) for nights, and one grand prize (remote control car!) earned by three nights in a row of staying in bed.
I have no idea if it was the prizes or simply time, but after about a week of getting up every night, Adelaide finally started sleeping all night in her big girl bed. And after two weeks she exhausted my prize supply! And currently, we’re on a five day run of sleeping all night! Hooray!
Ugh, the last two weeks have been exhausting, but I am soooooo glad Adelaide now sleeps in a bed more fitting to her size and age!
Oh, I’m so happy to hear the bribery worked! She’s the most adorable, wonderful creature in the world, but I felt so bad for you guys with all the wake ups (with an infant, no less). Here’s wishing you many 8-hour nights of sleep!!! xoxo