It’s late…on Monday night, and we’re pretty sure Adelaide has an ear infection which is why she kept Matt and I up ALL NIGHT last night. Seriously. She spent more time awake than asleep (so did we) which is why at 2am the three of us were sitting at the kitchen table enjoying a mid-night snack. At least Cadence was sleeping like a champ! Anyhow…
So ya…I’m super tired and I’ve had today’s blog post on my to do list all day, but here I am…9:30pm on Monday and still nothing written.
So real quick…
- Cadence hasn’t vomited since Christmas (sorry Dad!) and I think some of her motion sensitivity has subsided. Hooray!
- Her grunting has largely disappeared. She still makes soft, small grunt-like noises, but it’s soooo much less than it was when she was new. It barely even counts as grunts.
- Cadence is a really sweet, content, quiet baby. It kind of blows my mind how much I don’t hear her during the day. She’s awake a lot now, and she spends most of that time just watching everything. Taking it all in. Now, she isn’t quiet ALL of the time…she does have her moments of normal baby crying. I think it’s because she’s quiet so much, that her crying really throws me and seems SUUUPPPER dramatic…ya, this girl definitely has some lungs on her. It’s fun having a baby who is so quiet and happy—this was totally NOT our experience with Adelaide!
- Happy. This girl is almost always in a good mood and she smiles so easily. Literally, all you have to do is look at her and smile and she smiles right back. It’s amazing. If I play with her, I can usually get a gleeful squeal or coo out of her. We’re so close to giggles I can’t stand it!! Soon…soon…
- She is happiest when she’s around people. If she’s in her bouncy chair, and Adelaide and I leave the room for something (trip to the potty?) she only lasts about 3 minutes before she starts her worried whining and leg kicking. But as soon as we’re back within eyesight, she’s a happy camper again!
- She still hates the car…that hasn’t changed….ugh….
And now for some pictures of our growing girl!
I'd love to hear what you think!